Khilafah Islamiyah Conquering Rome #Conquest Futuh Rum[4]

"I agree with Mr Cameron. They can talk about good things. There is nothing that can not be compromised, "he said. "Moreover, Islam is a religion of decent and does not favor violence to solve problems. As much as possible we do not give bad signals to the Khilafah. 

                                     Ilustrasi Pasukan perang Arab zaman dahulu.

Khilafah Islamiyah Conquering Rome #Conquest Futuh Rum[4]

Number Ten Downing Street seemed to fall by the rumble of anger.
Prime Minister of Italy, Silvio Berlusconi, was facing British Prime Minister, David Cameron. And what they are talking about really make them tense.

"We must call on all Europeans to wage a crusade against the invasion of Caliphate to Rome. They're preparing to attack Rome, we can not remain silent,

"Berlusconi spoke with passionate.
"If we're a little late, Rome will be ruined. We have no other way than a crusade. The Holy Father also encouraged it. "

"It was supposed to be so," said Cameron. "But it looks like we're not able to fulfill what you say. The times are long gone crusade. "
Berlusconi immediately rose from his chair and leaned over to Cameron. "What happened to you? Why are you talking like this? Do you not love your own religion? They will attack, the Holy See has been on the brink of war, why are you talking like this? "

"I understand all that you feel."

"If you understand you actually inappropriate to talk like that."

"Understand something that you can not get everything you want. Your idea is a good one and it is supposed to do, but you can not force me to obey what you want. The condition of each country must be different, and I took this decision because it looks like the current UK conditions. "

"What is going on in the UK? Not that England is a great country that controls various resources in the world? Why do not dare go to war against the people of Islam? Moreover, the Holy See is in danger, is not that is a good reason for us to wage a crusade? The times of the crusades has passed are voices that should be thrown away-far away from our vocabulary. "

"You do not know what really happened with England right now, and you do not have to know about it. Certainly the British rejected the crusade because time has passed. What should we use today are the ways of civilized diplomacy and negotiated transfers. "

"How can we negotiate with people who do not require consultation at all? How can we put a civilized way with those barbarians who just want a war? "

"Whatever you say, the UK continues to refuse war. That's my final decision, and you can not force me to do whatever you say. "

"Now I realize that England is really a coward."
"It's up to you."

Without saying anything and without saying goodbye whit Berlusconi passed with exasperation. Slow pace accompanied his somber mood. Cameron could only stare back Berlusconi's getting away. Stay with him muttering to himself in the heart.If you knew, if England hinder what you want to do the Caliphate, the British armed forces facilities would be blown up with one press of the button. They have managed to plant bombs with the technology we are able to tame.
English was their key positions.


Also read here;
Khilafah Islamiyah Conquering Rome # Conquest Futuh Rum[1]

Khilafah Islamiyah Conquering Rome # Conquest Futuh Rum[2]

Khilafah Islamiyah Conquering Rome #Conquest Futuh Rum[3]

A tense atmosphere enveloped the boardroom of the general EU. Benches and tables lined circular panel. Everybody had no idea what was happening in front of them, a sharp conflict occurs. Recently passed, all members of the meeting stood up from his chair and raised their hands, the rain interruptions, and the voices of discontent into the air. But the situation is muted after the chairman, Charles Ashton, knocking hammers.

"I ask all quiet, and refrained. We try to see the first description of Mr. Berlusconi, "he said. He nodded to Berlusconi and memersilakannya talk.

Berlusconi immediately approach the microphone in front of him and talk. All eyes stared at him. "Thank you very much to the head that gave me the opportunity to return to. I urge colleagues to do a bit of antipathy with which I have to say. The Khilafah will invade the Vatican is not a figment. All indications are pointing to it, and even the Holy Father himself has informed it. Of course we all act and not be silent anymore. There can not, we must waged holy war again as our predecessors. There is no other way to put an end to their hegemony in addition to the crusade. We combine our strength to withstand their onslaught. We know that they are not the enemy that we can take lightly. In the past when Muslims do not have the Khilafah we can do whatever they tell them, now his condition is not the same anymore. They have had the Khilafah state which will unite the strength and potential. Without a leader we've had enough hassles when going against them, especially now when they have united under the leadership of a man. I strongly emphasize that we must prepare ourselves for a crusade. "

Pending Berlusconi spoke, the hands were outstretched want to interrupt. But Ashton did not provide an opportunity to talk to them. It was only after Berlusconi finished, Ashton give a chance to David Cameron, the British Prime Minister.

"I obviously do not agree with what is being proposed by Mr Berlusconi," Cameron shook his head slowly. "The times of holy war is far from over. Today we live in the modern age, why do we still have to wear medieval ways? We have to try diplomacy first. They are not stupid people who can not compromise. "

"Mr. Wilders, please," Ashton said, pointing to Geert Wilders, who sat in front of him. Geert Wilders is a Dutch politician who hated Islam. But when the Caliphate stood, his attitude changed completely, he becomes very soft and very appreciative of Muslims. I wonder what happened to him, his attitude was in stark contrast. He ordered the microphone to his mouth.

"I agree with Mr Cameron. They can talk about good things. There is nothing that can not be compromised, "he said. "Moreover, Islam is a religion of decent and does not favor violence to solve problems. As much as possible we do not give bad signals to the Khilafah. "

Ashton blew out his breath, because he saw Berlusconi had stood, holding up both hands like a supporter who was watching his favorite soccer team. Ashton nodded, chin, and Berlusconi was talking.

"This is not medieval methods. How do we respond to people who do not understand the language of diplomacy. All they want is war to seize and destroy the Vatican from our holy Catholic institutions. This is not groundless, the Caliph himself said it. We meti respond appropriately, and appropriate responses to deal with people like this is war. How can we be diplomatic us if we are dealing with people who are pointing a gun on us? It does not make sense. "

The hands are stretched out again, but suddenly a security officer with a neat black suit and ran into a table close to Ashton as chairperson. The officer whispered something to Ashton immediately apparent surprise. Ashton nodded to the officer. The officer did not waste time soon disappeared into the exit.

"We have company," Ashton said through the microphone.

Everyone stared at the entrance to the room. A few seconds long they wait, their hearts pounding. The door opened, two officers in black suits appear. Behind them limping step with Pope Benedict XVI. As usual, Bishop Ferdinand took his hand. While stick keberasarannya carried by the hands of Pope's side.

Pope stepped into the middle of the trial. He sat in a chair that has provided the officers, exactly in the middle of the circular room. Bishop Ferdinand faithful to accompany him. In honor of the Pope, Ashton also took to the front and sit on the side of the Pope. Her hand grasped a microphone, he spoke.

"It is an honor for the European Union session because the Holy Father Benedict XVI has agreed to attend in our midst. Of course, there are important things that will he convey and we all have to prepare ourselves for them. Well, do not prolong the words again, I invite the Holy Father to deliver sentences. "

Ashton handed the microphone in his hands to the Pope. The Pope took the microphone shriveled hand was trembling as if the weight of the microphone was fifty kilograms. Deftly Ferdinand took the microphone in hand bringing it close to the mouth of the Pope and the Pope. Pope throat hoarse voice filled the room.

"Peace to us all. I would like to thank Mr. Ashton who has given me the opportunity to participate in a talk at this important forum, "the Pope's voice suddenly stuck in his throat. He coughed. After calming herself, she spoke again.

"There is a great danger that is threatening us. And the Christian world must unite to fight it. "

Berlusconi slight smile staring Pope. He thinks now he does not need to bother anymore convey what actually happens to everyone. The pope himself has come to deliver it directly."The Caliph has come to me. He asked me to convert to Islam, or merge into his realm. If I reject the offer, he decided to take over our city by force of arms. He said the surrender of our city is the promise of God and his prophet. "The silence spread. Everyone listened to the Pope's speech.

"I refused, of course. I beg him to dissuade it, but he would not listen. He will continue to send combat troops to seize our cities. Fluctuations occur everywhere. Christians worldwide respond to the plan, but what could they? Which retains the real power of the state. You are all that power, you all have the power. You have a gun. That's why I asked for help to prepare you all for your confidence defend, defend your religion, defend God Jesus Christ. I called for a crusade waged again like we used to. "

Pope to stop his sentence, all silent. Quiet sudden rise and cover everyone. Minds filled with flashes of memory and all drowned.

Cameron extended his hand. Ashton nodded and gave him a chance to speak."I am very concerned with what is happening in the Vatican and the Holy See. Only, I represent the UK, I can not give help anything other than a sincere prayer in my heart. English may not be involved in all this because the United Kingdom already has a peace treaty and bilateral cooperation with the Khilafah. And Britain must conform to all the agreements that have been made. "

Geert Widers stood up. "I was expressing my condolences profusely, because the Dutch could not provide assistance."

Almost everyone was following the Netherlands and the United Kingdom to stand and condolences reason can not give relief to the Vatican. That are ready to deploy its weapons to deter the Khilafah in Italy only just conquered the Vatican. Berlusconi stood proudly as he pounded the table. Tata beat either be put where.

"You guys are all effeminate. You all are not men. If you all do not want to help protect the holy throne, let alone that Italy will deploy its armed forces. May God bless you all burn in hell. "Quiet atmosphere enveloping the room in a few seconds. The sound is suddenly sobs that echoed Pope Benedict XVI. Tears were rolling down her cheeks with tears Pope wrinkles.


"You're fired," said Napolitano, President of Italy.

Berlusconi frowned when he was confronted with the Italian President. "What do you mean, Mr. President?"

"You're fired, the board has approved it. You just waiting for the dismissal letter you down, "said Napolitano clearer.

"Why I fired away?" Berlusconi did not accept.

"The views are extreme you can not be accepted and can be dangerous for the country.""For extreme attitudes such as that carried out by the Khilafah we must also deal with the extreme attitudes. How might face violence with mushy? It does not make sense, Mr. President. "

"There will be no extreme attitudes. As long as our country is not disturbed, we'll let them do anything against the Vatican. "

"STUPID !!!" Hambur Berlusconi. "What do you think they will stop at the Vatican? They will not stop until all the Christians perish from this earth. "

"They are not so. I know Islam is not like that. But no matter what you say now, you're fired. I'm sorry, I've got a lot of work. The exit is over there. "With exasperation, Berlusconi stepped. There was nothing more he coul
To be continued.

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