Khilafah Islamiyah Conquering Rome #Conquest Futuh Rum[3]

Hear all the words of the Caliph, the Pope collapsed to the floor. He sat down, could no longer support the body. She sobbed, and suddenly he pointed his finger to the Caliph, and glared.
"You do not know what you're doing. All your actions will trigger a major war! "

 <img src="#Conquest Futuh Rum.jpg" alt="  Khilafah Islamiyah Conquering Rome # Conquest Futuh Rum[3]">
                                           Ilustrasi kuno tentang pasukan Arab.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

This article is continued from the previous thread.
To understand the story of this article you should read the previous thread here;

Khilafah Islamiyah Conquering Rome #Conquest Futuh Rum[3]

Dmitri Medvedev, the Russian president was shaking. What he feels is shared by his prime minister, Vladimir Putin.

The walls of the hall in the Kremlin palace was filled with paintings.
Various painting was not envisaged in the frame, but it was painted on the wall of the hall. A large chandelier and exquisite hanging in the middle of the room. A strong chain protruding from the ceiling and gripped the decorative lights. bright light glowing from there, lighting up the entire room. On the walls were plastered wall lamp with charming designs. On the floor, sprawling red carpet covered the whole room. In the middle of the hall, sofas were lined up. Sofas are arranged to form the letter "U".

In the front ranks of the sofa was a beautiful, beautiful, Dmitri Medvedev and Vladimir Putin have stood waiting. Some top officials of the Russian government were also present. They all stared at the doorway to the hall.

Shortly thereafter, the eagerly awaited came. On the threshold of the hall appeared three brave men. They walked side by side. Its in the middle, Caliph Muhammad Hasanuddin. As usual, he wore a simple black suit, do not miss his white turban. Shiny black shoes with red carpet track and great dignity. He is a great leader of a great country, Khilafah Islamiyah. A great country that has made all the land of the Muslims in the world under the leadership of a caliphate. A country that inherited the Prophet. himself to his people. A country that is run under the laws of heaven.

Going to the right of the Caliphate is the High Commander of the Caliphate, General Sayf Ali Khan. He Khilafah Islamiyah military leader who has managed to withstand a massive attack the United States when the Caliphate was first established. He also who had recaptured the holy land of Palestine into the hands of the Muslims and eliminate the Jewish state of Israel off the map. He's a tough guy and strong, just Salahuddin al Ayubi.

On the left Caliph Caliphate step Ambassador to Russia, Tayyip Effendi. Ambassador Tayyip typical turkey wearing a high cap, because he was the turkey. Ambassador Tayyip very fluent in Russian, so she was selected to manage the relationship Caliph Caliphate with Russia. In addition he is also an academician who has long been in existence in the arena of international relations, particularly with Russia.

Hasanuddin Khalifah, General Ali Khan, and Ambassador Tayyip being held bilateral visit to Russia. They would tie a peace treaty and economic agreements for ten years. But besides that, there are hidden maneuvers of approval Caliphate with Russia. Working visits abroad should be purely for the benefit of the Muslims,
"and not to dissipate

When Medvedev and Putin gazing officials strode Khilafah Islamiyah, there is a fear that the real display in front of their eyes. Medvedev clasped his hands behind his back, trying to hide the fact that she was trembling. Putin swallowed. And every time he repeat the offense, the more difficult he swallowed.

With a friendly smile Medvedev and Putin then invited officials Caliphate was sitting on the couch. They sat facing each other. The Russian government officials sitting on the sofa back row, just behind Medvedev and Putin.

"It was nice to receive a visit Caliph and his colleagues in our country," Medvedev opened the conversation.

"We are very honored by the welcome and hospitality of Mr. President, Mr. Prime Minister, as well as all levels of the Russian government," said Hasanuddin Caliph who is fluent in the Russian language. "And I hope, our agreement this time could benefit both parties."

"It is one thing that we expected," said Putin.

A few seconds passed, the silence on the air, none of them spoke. As if there was a strange awkwardness felt by the Russian government officials when dealing with the Caliph. There is great prestige beam coming out of the Caliph Hasanuddin. His handsome face and depth of knowledge make anyone respect them, even though he was young.

"After a period of ten years, about how the continuation of our agreement?" A smile on the face of Medvedev. He opened a new topic to counteract a drop of her anxiety.

"Allah is All-Knowing," said Khalifa. "We will never know what will happen in the future. What we will do now is keep all of the contents of this agreement and keep the good. That, too, who we call out to the masters course. Hopefully, this mutual respect, mutually beneficial cooperation between us can continue. "


"It's an honor for me to see you, Prime Minister of England, Mr. David Cameron, "Hasanuddin Khalifa stared at the blond man sitting across from him.

"Oh, it's also a pleasure for me to meet the Caliph of the Caliphate State," said David Cameron.

The meeting between the Caliphate with the British Government being held in the office of the Prime Minister of England, in number ten Downing Street. Caliph sitting in the living room couch, facing each other with the British Prime Minister, David Cameron.

"I believe, the bilateral agreement of peace and trade will provide us many benefits," Khalifah move his hands while talking. "I hope we can hold this agreement carefully."
"Obviously," said Cameron brief.

"We are very sincerely wanted to emphasize this appeal, Mr. Prime Minister." A thin smile the face of the Caliph, but his eyes radiated highlight the heroic firmness. Before that there had never been a Muslim who is able to do so. Britain has long been in control of the countries of the mulsim. It has long been trampled on Muslim lands. And Muslims were like slaves under the impression lars English. Now the situation has changed after the existence of the Caliphate.

"You mean?" Asked Cameron. There are question marks painted on the face of the British Prime Minister.
Khalifah talk with smooth and soft. His voice was full of authority, with the tempo well. He put his hands on both sides of her thighs. His back resting comfortably on the sofa. And what would he say would make quiver all over The United Of Kingdom(UK)

"History reveals that the first The British which intervened in the conspiracy to demolish the Caliphate. United supplying funds, weapons, logistical support, and much more, to rebel. British blow up Muslim nationalism fragmented and cluttered Khilafah Islamiyah. You know, Mr. Prime Minister, how wicked he had done for Britain and the Muslim Caliphate? "

Cameron stared at the Caliph. His expression was flat, it was a loss to find words.

"The actions of the British," said the Caliph, "thousands and even millions of our children died a victim. Thousands and even millions of our women raped. Thousands and even millions of our people lost their homes and possessions. "

"Why do you blame the British for what happened in the Muslim Caliph," Cameron muttered. Eyebrow raised, his heart pounding.

There is no more smiles on the faces of Caliph. Khalifah eyes as sharp as a sword, ready to stab the heart. "I do not blame the British. I just remind the Britain about how big the sin that has been committed Britain to the Muslims. And if anyone sins, surely will get a reply for his sins. Once again I emphasize to you, Mr Prime Minister, cling to the agreement we have agreed to this. The offenses previously not repeated. If I find unfavorable behavior of England ... "

Hasanuddin Caliph sat up, then he leaned slightly toward Cameron, "... will I call upon all Muslims to perform jihad akbar against England, until the Union Jack flag will never fly again until doomsday. Do I make myself clear, Mr. Prime Minister? "
Cameron shaking, suddenly cold sweat pouring from his forehead. He could not say anything. Just nod only plan she could do.
"Good!" Muttered the Caliph.

Quirinal Palace that stands firmly on the Quirinal Hill, one of the highest of the seven hills in Italy. The palace was built by Pope Gregory XIII in 1573, and has been for many years the residence of the Pope and the kings of Italy. And now, the palace became the Italian Presidential Palace.

It was still early when the Caliph of the Muslims, Muhammad Hasanuddin, received with honor by the President of Italy, Giorgio Napolitano, and the Prime Minister of Italy, Silvio Berlusconi, in a magnificent room. As usual, the Caliph still come up with a simple black suit and a white turban turban scarf dangling in his right shoulder. His good looks and radiant piety wafted from her. Make it a man to be reckoned with even though he is still relatively young. His visit to Italy not to brothels such as customs offices of the countries in Southeast Asia that was formerly Indonesia, but to establish a good neighborly treaty with Italy. And this agreement is not just an agreement, there is a political maneuver that is so charming in tow.

"It was good to establish good cooperation with the Khilafah," said Napolitano. His bald head glistening in the morning sunlight. His pale skin mottled black. A silver-rimmed glasses perched on his face. Plush red sofa becomes a comfortable seat coverings.

On the side Napolitano, Silvio Berlusconi sit, crossing his legs. The look in his eyes implies something unpleasant to the Caliphate Hasanuddin. A sour face. Actually, such an attitude is inappropriate if shown by a state official who was receiving guests. Nobody knows, there is something big that interfere with the arrival of Berlusconi heart Caliph to Italy.

"We also feel glad to establish a mutually beneficial relationship with Italy," said the Caliph. His smile vanished. His deep voice adds grandeur.

"But why this agreement is effective for five years, the Caliph?" Asked Napolitano."That is what Allah taught. And His Messenger. I'm just a servant of God, thus I must obey the rules. "

Napolitano nodded his head that have wrinkles. "I'm sorry if I'm asking too many questions, I'm just an old man who has a high curiosity. Is not this theocratic system will cause a terrible dictatorship, Caliph? "

Khalifah Hasanuddin thin smile, "It is not the system of theocracy or dictatorship, Mr. President, the Khilafah system is a system of government that is unique and special, directly taught by the Messenger of Allah, and practiced by Muslims for thousands of years. I'm not the king's every word is the law that must be obeyed. I am also a slave who must only obey the rules of Allah and His Messenger, even all my people be ruled by the rules. "Napolitano carefully observing Caliph. Berlusconi did not say anything.

"Al Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad is the source of law must I apply in the midst of my people. Al Quran and As Sunnah that has saved Muslims from calamities democracy on dark days of the Muslims first. Democracy is one of the reasons the Muslims suffer and ravaged. They are objective and willing to open his heart would soon abandon the outdated democracy.

These people speak offhand, inner Berlusconi, what he does not know or pretend not to know that Italy adheres to democracy? Berlusconi faces increasingly sour.

"Ohh so," muttered Napolitano.
"What do you really want with this agreement?" Suddenly Berlusconi go to vote, but he had been silent.

Got a tendentious question of Berlusconi, the Caliph smiled a little. With elegant she shifted in her seat, and looked back at Berlusconi's eyes deeply.

"I want goodness, prosperity, and victory for Islam, my country and my people," he said."Is that all?" Sue Berlusconi.

"The whole purpose of which may now be in your mind already included in the earlier answer, Mr. Prime Minister."

"I know," Berlusconi facial expressions increasingly uncomfortable, "that you want to hold pernyerbuan to the Vatican. You want to attack the Vatican and master it. I know it. That's why you send diplomats to various countries in Europe to establish a cease-fire so that you can safely deploy troops to the Vatican. "

"Even if that were the case, all you have said is included in the reply. What should I repeat? My goal is goodness, prosperity, and victory for Islam, my country and my people! "Caliph remained in tranquility again. Even her face the whole diatribe Italian prime minister with a smiling face. "Moreover, if indeed what you say is true, all that business. None of your business. "

"You selfish," Berlusconi laid his finger to the Caliph. He could not help himself. "For the sake of your own interest, you will attack the other areas that are holy city and a symbol of the unity of Christians in the world. Are we Christians never attack your holy city? We never harass the Arab land. "

"Please calm yourself, Prime Minister," said Napolitano. He started nervously. A cold sweat running down his forehead.

Khalifah remained with his thin smile. "Let it go, Mr. President. Let Mr. Prime Minister devote all that is in his heart, while I'm still here. Are you finished, Mr. Berlusconi? ""Selfishness will cause destruction and murder, as well as a great war. I know you will do it all. "

"Berlusconi, of which you know all this? Do not accuse arbitrary. Do not be embarrassed in front of Italian country living. Get ahold of yourself. "Napotalitano widened it to his subordinates. "What evidence Khilafah will attack the Vatican? Do not talk freely. "

"Although there is no strong evidence but I believe he will do it all, Mr. President. The indications are clear, he made many peace treaties with various countries in Europe and left behind only Italy and the Vatican. He intends to secure his position from that of other countries first, he will invade the Vatican. I'm sure it !!! "

"DO NOT TALK TO ANY !!!" Napolitano has lost patience. He pounded the table in front of him and stared to the Prime Minister. "You do not deserve to become the Prime Minister of Italy, you do not have manners. Creating a national embarrassment in front of the guest country of honor. "

showed Hasanuddin still a faint smile on his face when he saw the Italian high antarpejabat squabbles. Unfortunately Berlusconi including stubborn person.

"All I'm saying is to protect our country, to protect the holy city of Vatican and to protect our religion. The person in front of us is bound to destroy us in a moment. AND I DO NOT WANT IT ALL HAPPEN. "

"SHUT UP !!!" Napolitano barking. "

"Patience, gentlemen, wait. Do not get carried away, "Caliph spoke up and his expression remained calm. "We talked about everything was fine. I hope you do not behave like that again, Mr. Prime Minister. If you already speak good things I could hear. Please calm yourself, we talked about everything is fine. "

"How can I talk casually in front of me if there are people who will destroy all Christian civilization?"

"What Jesus taught all this to you? There is respect for others? Gross said? Shame on yourself! "All the smiles on the faces of Caliph was gone. His eyes were bright and sharp looking straight to Berlusconi. Russian Prime Minister shriveled, she looked away.

"You've said enough, now listen to my words!" Caliphate Voice firmly. "When you say that I will attack the Vatican, it's up to you. If I wanted to, so I waved, all Muslims will move in unison to conquer the Vatican. If you say that Christians have never tried to attack Mecca, you mean the very bad history. Christian King Abraha of Yemen had tried to attack Mecca. That's all? No, in the medieval nobleman named Reynald de Chatillon Franks had also tried to attack Mecca. But they all failed. If you say that I will be a threat and pengobar war, will menyababkan murder and massacre, do you remember what he did against Italy in the last century we, the Muslims? In Libya, Italy massacring Muslims. Italy massacred parents and our children, rape our women, destroy our houses. But look what we did to the Christians, there are many states that we conquered, but we were never massacred innocent Christians. Thus we protect and nurture them. You know, we've conquered Constantinople hundreds of years, but why to this day there are many Christians living there? It's all because we protect and nurture them. If what you say is true, if we are the cause of the massacre, the Christians had long vanished from Constantinople. "

The Caliph was silent for a few seconds, but his eyes were not distracted at all from the face of Berlusconi. Italian Prime Minister was embarrassed. "You know something, Mr. Prime Minister, conquered the Throne of the Vatican, and Rome, the apostle had promised us thousands of years ago. Please you sit back, and watch what will happen later. If you install the body to hinder us realize the promise of our Prophet, I will muster the army of Islam to destroy you. You please bear in mind that, because I do not ever mess with my words. "


"You know something, Mr. Prime Minister, conquered the throne of the Vatican and Rome's Messenger promised us already thousands of years ago. Please you sit back and watch what will happen later. If you install the body to hinder us realize the promise of our Prophet, I will mobilize the Muslim army to crush you. You please bear in mind that, because I do not ever mess with my words. "Caliph Muhammad Hasanuddin Berlusconi with a sharp stare.

"YOU THREATENING ME !!!" Berlusconi widened the Caliph. Forefinger already stretched to the Caliph.

"BERLUSCONI! I SAID SHUT UP !!! "Napolitano as pupils would jump out of his skull. He jumped up from his chair and hands on hips in front of Berlusconi. "Not anyone who humbles Italy, but the attitude and the words you are lowering our country. NOW YOU GET OUT OF HERE. "

Nobody would have guessed what would happen that day, high-level meetings between the two countries was the scene of fierce dispute. The Caliph was silent, his face flat and folded his arms across his chest. He sat upright staring at the president and prime minister of Italy it face to face.

Berlusconi rose from his chair and staring eyes Napolitano deep. "As I said earlier, Mr. President, my attitude for the future of our country and also for the sake of our religion. This guy is dangerous, so is each maneuver, therefore we should always beware. If we are soft on him, later to be the destruction of our own like what he said earlier. Clearly he says that he will attack the Holy See Vatican to fulfill the promise of His Messenger, if we still doubt it? Is not it supposed to make us behave as they should? "

Khalifah suddenly stood up, he looked alternately Napolitano and Berlusconi. With her brave talk.

"All right then. With all the talk this time I decided to stop all cooperation agreements between the Caliphate with Italy, because it is the condition that there is no longer possible for the two countries' relations, "Deputy exhaled. "I want to emphasize one thing again. Roman lands were promised Apostles and our Lord. There will never be a single person who can stop it. If there is anyone who tries to stop him, then they will be destroyed by the power of our Lord. Please keep your eyes on what is happening, please keep all your attitude, Roma will remain subdued for Islam. And if the time has come, you do not need to worry, Islam is not the same with religions and other ideologies. In the conquest, we are prohibited slaughtering. Of course you remember what was done when the Christian conquest of Jerusalem? Slaughter, blood pooled up to ankle. If you want, you please turn that conquest. The sign you destroy yourself. So, I beg you to withdraw. "

Caliph stepped toward the doorway Quirinal Palace. She walked away, without looking back to the Italian top officials. While Napolitano and Berlusconi shocked. But suddenly Napolitano jumped, he immediately scurry after step Caliph.

"Mr. Khalifa, wait a minute. Sir, please wait a while. "

Because you want to appreciate Napolitano, Caliph stopped. He turned to Napolitano. The two leaders met face big return.

"Please forgive all that has occurred. Not mean we do not respect you. I do not think Berlusconi would behave like that. I apologize profusely. "

"At least the prime minister has released all his heart."

"Please forgive me, Mr. Khalifa, actually I'm quite shy to ask this, but is it true that the Khilafah will conquer Rome and occupied the Vatican?"

"As I've said from the above, it is the promise of God and our Prophet. Please you consider what will happen later. Thank you very much, Mr. President, there are many things I still have to finish. I said goodbye. "

Caliph turned and left. Stay Napolitano with trembling knees and chest rumble. Berlusconi's eyebrows furrowed stare back Caliph.


St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City smeared dim light of candles that long. The large church was built over a hundred years it sturdy and unusual. And Caliph Muhammad Hasanuddin who accompanied General Sayf Ali Khan was standing there, in front of a magnificent altar. Near the altar, Pope Benedict XIII was face to face Caliph. The spiritual leader of the Christian world was accompanied by his personal assistant, Bishop Ferdinand. Twenty Swiss Guard troops guarding the meeting.

"It is an honor for me to be able to receive the Caliph in this holy place," the Pope welcomed. His body was already weak, stooped and frail so alarming. Ferdinand bishops loyal to the pope. His voice was a little shaky, as if there is no fear in it. "Is there anything I can do?"

Khalifa stands, as well as General Ali Khan. Their eyes were focused on the Pope's face wrinkled.

"An honor it is for us," said the Caliph. "Our arrival here is to offer something that is valuable to you. I believe you never get an offer like this, and maybe all whales have never been to get it. "

"Cash is the Caliph? Actually, not only the offer, but your presence here, too, has shocked the Christian world. Unprecedented in the history of the world there is a Muslim who stand before the throne of the Vatican then offer something sacred. "

"Allah the Almighty decrees. He has power over all things. He has made it easier for us to be able to do something you've never done any of that, "said the Caliph.

Pope shriveled hand was trembling. Golden scepter in his hand was shaking. "Do you want to convey?"

Publishing a smile in front of the Caliph. "I would like to invite you, you go into Islam, then you will be happy in this world and hereafter. Let us use our common sense and intellect to discern what is right and what is wrong, then open our hearts to receive the truth with sincerity and submission to him. Come into Islam. "

Pope increasingly shaky knees until she was scarcely able to support herself. Bishop Ferdinand immediately fetch seats, and the Pope immediately seated there.

"Your invitation is a great invitation," the Pope said, his voice almost stuck in his throat. "It was a terrible call, and there is also a consequence of terrible in it. Are you aware of that? ""I am very aware of all the words that come out of my mouth," said the Caliph. "And I hope that my appeal can be understood its meaning."

"I realize this solicitation, except that there will be a great thing if I meet your invitation.""Are you thus reject it?"

Pope exhaled and nodded slowly. "I can not accept your offer is."

"Well, if so I will offer something different. You are welcome to continue to embrace you, and remains the spiritual leader of the Christian religion, but leave it to power our cities. The entire property, blood, life, the whole church, and your freedom and all Christians to exercise your religion will we assure you, you pay the jizya with compensation every year. Your well-being will be our guarantee. "

"Sorry, Khalifah, all this is an offer that is very tough for me. Do you understand my feelings on how heavy my heart get an offer like this? I was gripped by confusion and fear every day waiting for moments to come on this day. I can not accept your offer, and you know, with what is there to do on this day, all this could trigger a new crusade, or even a third world war that awful? "

"I say thank you very much for all your attention and concern. It's just that you please keep in mind all my bids. All you have to worry about just now let us worry about that. "Sound the Caliphate remained calm and dignified.

Pope shook his head slowly. Bishop Ferdinand joined the call Khalifah shake at all. He thought, if he is in the position of the Pope, surely he would answer any confusion."Sorry, I can not."

While exhaling disappointed, the Pope decided.

There is a thin smile spreading across her face Caliph. He will take the decision.


"Sorry, I can not!" Said the Pope to the poor. He looked down at the marble floor below. While her body shaking can no longer control. Bishop Ferdinand with difficulty holding.Caliph smiled slightly and nodded slowly.

"Thank you very much for your answer," he said.

"What would you do, the Caliph? Please have mercy on us, forgive us. Please do not disturb our peace. "The Pope has miserably.

Khalifa shook his head slowly.

"You do not think that we were a nuisance. For we do not speak the truth, and this truth can be tested. We're just calling something that is equally we know. If we look back, maybe you know, apostasy had led to the destruction of millions of human beings. In fact, not just the soldiers who fought, but also those who are innocent, civilians, women, children, parents. We never found any act of tolerance on the Papacy. For hundreds of years we were slaughtered, for hundreds of years was the papal blessing every murder committed upon us even today. In other words, our arrival here is to stop the Papacy of all sins. For all it is just lust. Our arrival was to free mankind from the shackles of colonialism desires, to worship the Allah of us all. "

Quiet, quiet suddenly floating. There was only the sound of sacred chants softly in the distance. For a few seconds no one spoke. Overall tenggelem in their minds.

"Sorry, Khalifah, we can not." The Pope plans.

"Well," said the Caliph. "Whatever happens, whatever you say, this city fall into our hands the promise of God and our Prophet. There is no authority that can stop it. We will send our armed forces to take over the city. If you do acts which indicate the resistance against us, then we will destroy you and every movement, we know you have to stop the arrival of the greatness of Islam to humanity. But if you do not do all of it, then you will be awake ... "

Listen to all the words of the Caliph, the Pope knocked to the floor. He sat down, his body could no longer sustain. She sobbed, and suddenly he raised his index finger to the Caliph, and widened.

"You do not know what you're doing. All your actions will trigger a major war! "

"Thus we will liberate humanity from the tyranny of the Papacy's leadership has always been to spread havoc to mankind. Well, you please think again all we have to say. Never one to take the decision, because you alone will bear the consequences. We say goodbye! "Khalifa and General Ali Khan turned and walked out of St. Peter's Basilica. Leaving a very strong anxiety in the hearts of the Pope and all those who were in the room was sacred to Christians.

To be continued...

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