Khilafah Islamiyah Conquering Rome #Conquest Futuh Rum[5-Finished]

"For the last time I say," said the Caliph, his eyes sharp to the pope's frail, "fill in this town, or we will strive to take over this town."

<img src=" #Conquest Futuh Rum.jpg" alt="Khilafah Islamiyah Conquering Rome # Conquest Futuh Rum[5-Finished] ">

                                                      Illustration;Babul Futuh

Khilafah Islamiyah Conquering Rome #Conquest Futuh Rum[5-Finished]

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

This article
is the final part of the thread that I posted before this month.I'll you may read here:

Khilafah Islamiyah Conquering Rome # Conquest Futuh Rum[1]

Khilafah Islamiyah Conquering Rome # Conquest Futuh Rum[2]

Khilafah Islamiyah Conquering Rome #Conquest Futuh Rum[3]

Khilafah Islamiyah Conquering Rome #Conquest Futuh Rum[4]

<img src=" #Conquest Futuh Rum.jpg" alt="Khilafah Islamiyah Conquering Rome # Conquest Futuh Rum[5-Finished] ">

Illustration; Omar Agoulant "Sultan of Sicily" and ruler of all North Africa, defends his castle from the Europeans. From the Grandes Chroniques de France 13th -14th

Soldiers of the Armed Forces lined with neat Khilafah Islamiyah.
Honor and integrity of their surrounding. A military parade was held in the magnificent streets that cross the Topkapi Palace and Hagia Sofia in Istanbul. Caliphate of marching soldiers thrilling and smearing pride to the whole body. Their uniforms were white-white with a green beret so authoritative. Shouldered rifles on their shoulders. Behind the long snaking line of infantry of the line was stretched too strong tanks. Dozens of tanks run with a black tunings. Muslims thronged the sides of the road cheering with delight the parade.

In the front row, on top of a black jeep, stand Caliph Muhammah Hasanuddin. He stood in the back of an open jeep and waved to people while mengumbarkan sweet smile. On the Caliph General Sayf Ali Khan will triumph. He stood there like a statue with fierce facial expressions while holding the iron pillars that jeep. Overview closer to the Caliph Ali Khan. He spoke of people crowd the Khilafah State.

"Invasion us to Rome shortly, how to prepare?" Asked the Caliph.

Ali Khan nodded quietly. "All preparations have been completed and ready to be dispatched Rum Futuh operation at any time."


Morning broke the darkness, and the horn has not blown. The whole world will again see how the promise of Allah and His Messenger will again be proved. When the sun was just breaking, the Armed Forces of the Caliphate were moving towards their target, Rome. Khilafah will be besieged it from land, sea, and air.

From Military Base Sultan Muhammad Al Fatih in Istanbul, warplanes and helicopters milling Khilafah quickly lead to Rome, to besiege the Vatican. Transports carrying thousands of soldiers were taking off. From Port Galipolli warships anchored off the Caliphate, to cross the Mediterranean sea with one goal, to realize the promise of Allah and His Messenger, to besiege Rome. Ten ships are very large as the island floats were deployed for the same purpose.

World dither watched it all. All the countries in the world have been locked, no one dares to do something to respond to what the Khilafah Islamiyah. The glory and majesty really only belongs to Islam and Muslims. The reporters and journalists from around the world covering news station movement from a safe distance. They want to capture what may be imminent.

Caliph Muhammad Hasanuddin stands proudly in one of the aircraft carriers of the Caliphate, which was named Heyreddin Barbarossa. He folded his arms across his chest while feeling the breeze in the morning is still cool enough to browse his face. In front of his eyes stretch of blue sea, the Mediterranean Sea. The soldiers and crew milling around carrying out the tasks assigned to their shoulders. Khalifa stared ambition on his conquest of Rome.

General Sayf Ali Khan came to him. Dashing officer of Pakistani origin is standing proudly in Khalifah.

"How we Rum Futuh operation?" Asked the Caliph.

"So far all goes well," said Ali Khan. "The whole unit has moved by sea and air to the points that have been determined. In the next hour we have landed some troops around the Vatican City. As the deal, Italy will not do anything. "

"Good! The European Union was reportedly not going to move. The agreements that we make it very useful. After the Vatican in our hands, then we can move on to conquer all of Europe. "

"Allah willing, may Allah SWT, facilitate and launch."

"You know, General, Europe is a hotbed of immorality? The prostitutes roam everywhere, women are left bare, the children and grandchildren of Sodom and Gomorrah were free reign, a revolting civilization. And we will clean it all from earth this holy Allah. "

Gen. Ali Khan nodded firmly. "Civilization Islam will displace all the existing culture of unbelief, and cast a mercy to the worlds."

The two big men in the ranks of government Khilfah Islamiyah was looking to the future, to the great ideals that have since thousands of years ago have been set by the Prophet certainty.

"If we today berasil conquest, the sign of Allah SWT has honored us to realize the promise of the Prophet. Since thousands of years ago, and it is fitting that we give thanks to Allah Almighty. "More Khalifah. "Allah SWT willing, we are the best nation."

The whole team of the Caliphate proceeded towards one goal, the conquest of Rome, creating the promise of the Prophet.


In one window in St. Peter's Basilica, Pope Benedict XVI staring out with trembling. Bishop Ferdinand always accompanied him and this time he had to hold the body frail Pope as leader of the Christian was shaking unbearable. What she saw outside her trembling like that. The whole Vatican was surrounded by soldiers in white uniforms preparing to receive orders. They are the soldiers of the Caliphate.



Reverberation Allahu Akbar, Vatican tore the sky, the sacred phrase stuck in a place where kalimatullah never echoed. And that day, tayyibah words echoed in the heart of the Christian world. And takbir it seems boom of thunder that hammered on the ears and hearts of the Pope and the whole range of his bishop. What day is the end of Christianity?

The whole Vatican is full of hustle and bustle. They tried to save everything that needs to be saved, but it may be too late, because the army had surrounded the entire Caliphate Vatican walls. Swiss Guards, the team official of the Pontifical, the number was not as prepared in a variety of positions expected Khilfah team will go from there. They are ready to fight, even though they knew they would lose. Caliphate army has not moved, because there is no order. If monitored from space, it appears that the Vatican was surrounded by a sea of ​​people in white uniforms. Takbir and then echoed by the whole team Caliphate, as if it would tear down the sky. The conquest of that day would almost certainly succeed.

A military helicopter hovering above black St. Peter's Basilica. Slowly, the helicopter landed at the front gate of St. Peter's Basilica. From there came the Caliph and General Ali Khan. They both walked toward the front door basilica. There has been present throughout the Vatican with bishops in their robes long. Khalifa and General Ali Khan erect and proud in front of the bishops. Soon the Pope out of the basilica with a wheelchair pushed by a bishop Ferdinand.

The Pope's body was shaking. Khalifah until it can clearly see that frail body was shaking. Pope looked down just in front of the Caliph. The bishop was silent, staring at the Caliph with their full of bitterness. Today they have lost.

"Give us this city, and we will guarantee your well-being of all," said the Caliph. "We will apply Islamic law here, and you all will get security guarantees to perform prayer and worship you. Do not fight us because it is of no use. If you resist, we have set up our forces outside the city walls and we will take the city by force of arms. "

"Me ... me ... why are you doing all this?" Asked the Pope with a stammer. His face looked up to the Caliph. Wrinkled and haggard eyes stared Preferences. "Why are you doing this to us? What is wrong with us? "

"You have one because of idolatry. You have to hide the truth while your mind will never be able to deny religion is right, but you deny the truth of it, and survive with all these lies. Do you not remember, what you have done to the Muslims of the Pontifical long ago? Islam does not teach us to hate, but if the power is in your hands, you will surely manifest injustice. That is why we must cleanse the tyranny. "

Reverberation Allahu Akbar, continue to reverberate, everything at the door of the basilica of St. Peter was silent. Gen. Ali Khan glared at Pope Benedict. Khalifah exhaled.

"For the last time I say," said the Caliph, his eyes sharp to the frail Pope, "leave this town, or we will strive to take over the city."

Suddenly he sobbed. She covered her face with both hands wrinkled. Half of the bishop who stood in front of the basilica were also crying. Caliph frowned looked at what was happening in front of him. Gen. Ali Khan fixed with a cold demeanor. Slowly move the hands wrinkled Pope reached into the pocket behind the folds of her dress. He took a key from a tied hand with gold necklace of gold, and thrust it with trembling to the Caliph. Tears laughing.

"This is the key to the Vatican City, the city's symbol of authority. I am handing the city over to. Fulfill all your promise. "The Pope's voice was hoarse and raspy.

Caliph raised his right hand, grabbed the gold key. He took the keys are strong and dibelitkannya chains on his hands.

"You do not worry. God commands us is very clear, we are not ruled by lust. You will get all your rights under the law. "

Khalifa and General Ali Khan turned and walked away. They walked proudly staring at victory. A few seconds later the soldiers of the Khilafah to flow into the Vatican city, is irreversible. Swiss Guard troops can not do anything. Soldiers of the Caliphate immediately secure their country and treat them well. Only a few minutes almost the entire city was filled with the Vatican and Muslim soldiers celebrated with thunderous cries of takbir that in every corner of the Vatican. Caliph stood at the door of the basilica St. Peter, on the steps of the above. He raised the golden key in his right hand up high and takbir again rumbled, shaking. Her eyes swept across the Muslim soldiers who were in front of a boisterous cheering, but orderly and polite, there was no damage at all that they do.

"Today the promise of Allah SWT and His Messenger has proved. Today's victory and glory belongs only to Islam and Muslims. May Allah SWT,have mercy on us, mercy and peace to us. ALLAAHU AKBAR. "[] Finished.

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