#8 Countries Where College Can Be 100% Free

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FORTUNA LIFESTYLE.COM | Kita semua memiliki impian untuk memiliki perguruan tinggi gratis/percuma-free di mana saja di dunia ini. Sayangnya, itu tidak terjadi di mana-mana.Namun ada negara-negara tertentu di dunia di mana pembayar wajib pajak(tax-cukai) membayar bill untuk semua mahasiswa yang ingin mendapatkan gelar sarjana.

Negara-negara dalam daftar ini terutama di Eropah dan memiliki budaya yang "saling menjaga"(“take care of each other”). Negara-negara sosialis ini biasanya memiliki tarif tax penghasilan yang lebih tinggi, tetapi itu sangat berharga jika Anda ingin memiliki perawatan kesehatan dan biaya kuliah semua dibayar dan dirawat.

Tanyakan kepada diri Anda pertanyaan ini sebelum pindah ke salah satu negara ini, Apakah kuliah gratis penting bagi Anda?
Jika ya, Maka berikut daftar yang dimulai di bawah ini adalah untuk Anda:

8) Turkey

Menurut 2015 OECD 2015 report, Turki adalah salah satu dari #8 Negara dengan sistem free College University systems,
Turki memiliki lebih dari 178 University yang berbeda untuk memilih kursus:
Inilah 3 Universitas Tertua;
Ankara University, Established – 1946
Istanbul Universities, Established – 1933
Istanbul Technical University, Established – 1944 

7) Sweden

According to the 2015 OECD report, Sweden is one of 8 countries with Free College University systems
Colleges With More Than 20,000 students in Sweden,
Lund Universit ,Student Population – 23,539
Stockholm University Student Population – 21,121
University Of Gothenburg Student Population – 22,434


<img src="LIFESTYLE & MONEY,CAREERS.jpg" alt="#8 Countries Where College Can Be 100% Free">

6) Denmark

According to the 2015 OECD report, Denmark is one of 8 countries with some free college university programs
Top Colleges & Universities In Denmark;
University of Copenhagen, Times Higher Education World Ranking #82
Aurhus University ,Time Higher Education World Ranking #106
Technical University of Denmark, Time Higher Education World Ranking #167
Aalborg University, Time Higher Education World Ranking #201-250
Copenhagen Business School, Time Higher Education World Ranking #201-250
University of Southern Denmark,Time Higher Education World Ranking #301-350

5) Estonia

According to the 2015 OECD report, Estonia is one of 8 countries with free college university systems
Public Universities In Estonia,
Tallinn University, Not ranked

Tallinn University of Technology, Not ranked

University of Tartu, Not ranked

4) Finland

Top 10 Public Universities in Finland ;

University of Helsinki,     Administrative Staff – 8000 Employees
Abo Academy University, Administrative Staff – 1300 Employees
University of Turku,         Administrative Staff – 3319 Employees
University of Tampere ,    Administrative Staff – 1982 Employees
University of Jyvaskyla,   Administrative Staff – 2583 Employees
University of Oulu,     Administrative Staff – 2852 Employees
University of Vaasa,    Administrative Staff – 498 Employees
University of Lapland,    Administrative Staff – 633 Employees
University of Eastern Finland, Administrative Staff – 2800 Employees
Aalto Universirty, Administrative Staff – 4424 Employees

3) Norway

According to the 2015 OECD report, Norway is one of 8 countries with free college university systems
Most Popular Universities In Norway ;
University of Oslo, Number of Full Time Students – 27,628
University of Bergen, Number of Full Time Students – 17,000
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Number of Full Time Students – 16,000
University of Tromso, Number of Full Time Students – 9500
University of Stavanger. Number of Full Time Students – 9000

2) Slovak Republic (Slovakia)

According to the 2015 OECD report, Slovakia is one of 8 countries with free college university systems
Top Colleges In The Capital – Bratislava ;
University of Economics In Bratislava, Popular Study Program – Business Management
University of Technology In Bratislava, Popular Study Program – Civil Engineering
Comenius University In Bratislava, Popular Study Program – Mathematics and Physics
University of Performing Arts In Bratislava, Popular Study Program – Music and Dance
Academy of Fine Arts and Design In Bratislava, Popular Study Program – Architecture.

1) Slovenia

According to the 2015 OECD report, Slovenia is one of 8 countries with free college university systems

Top College In Slovenia ; 

University of Ljubljana, Established in 1919

Resources; www.womensarticle.com
Editor by Admin FortunaNetworks.Com


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