#Stephen Paddock,Terror Without Terrorist Label?

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Las Vegas,Tragedy in Public Opinion

No one denies the brutal shootings by Stephen Paddock, Sunday (01/10), in Las Vegas, Nevada State, United States (US), is an act of terror. The brutal incident that killed 67 peoples and injured more than 500 innocent civilians was called the deadliest incident in US history.

But there was something awkward in the tragedy. No popular media in the United States, as well as the official government statement of Donald Trump, who wants to call Stephen Paddock a terrorist. President Trump called him "pure evil" and avoided the word "terrorism."

"Conflict of TNI and POLRI Relations",Grand Design for NKRI's Influence

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Flowers were placed near a mass shooting location at a music festival near Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, in Las Vegas, USA, (2/10) Image by republika.co.id.
A few days ago there was a violent or precise massacre of innocent people, who in the partial expression as the deadliest shooting in modern American history. At least 67 peoples died in the incident and over 500 others were injured. And what is surprising is that it is only a self-perpetrator named #Stephen Paddock (64 years).

The massacre of innocent people is still a puzzle that bewilders many people. Because the perpetrators are white Americans with educational background and a fairly established economy. Apparently the offender with such criteria (white, well-established economically and educated) makes it difficult for investigators to find the "motive" of his evil treatment. Until now both the American government and the media and observers still say: "the motive behind the massacre is unknown" (the motive of this murder is unknown).

I as part of the American Muslim community today can certainly be relieved. That behind the sadness of the American people, including us Muslims, we are calm that the shooting was not done by someone suspected of Muslims. Especially if it is Muslim and has an Arabic name. Indeed, before all it is revealed for certain that the Muslim community is indeed deeply worried. Especially in times under the current Donald Trump Islamophobia is increasing, even as if justified system (government).

 At the beginning of the furore there had been rumors in the media that the perpetrator was a muallaf and his wife even a woman from Indonesia. Gradually the news drowned by itself. Probably because media openness is a bit heavy to hide reality or facts. Stephen Paddock is a non-Muslim, white American citizen. His wife is also not of Indonesian descent but an American of Filipino descent.

 Of all the hustle and bustle, both in the media and in the wider community, especially the American government, there appears to be a lot of dishonesty. That the mass murder of Las Vegas opened many facts that may have been hidden or vague. What a tragedy or event is often reversed or precisely reversed to support certain sponsored messages. If we follow closely what and how the reaction that occurred after the shooting we find some dishonesty as follows:

First, this mass murder by the media or government is avoided as much as possible to be called terror. Just shooting, murder, violence, and so on. With such a great victim both dead and wounded, and done to the civilians, then what makes it not terror?

Compare for example when an Afghan-American American leaves a van and inside is something that is considered an explosive device. The van did not explode and neither died. Even those who reported the incident were also Muslim. But from the beginning even before the culprit was arrested even if the words "Islamic terror" adorn the front page and breaking news mainstream media of America and the World.

A real verbal dishonesty in broad daylight demonstrated by human beings who claim to be human rights, equality and justice fighters. As if terrorism is indeed identical with certain religions or certain races in this World.

I suspect that by not knowing the motive of the culprit to this day, is happening precisely the effort to turn the news player. It may be imposed that Stephen is experiencing psychological shock for example. But whatever it was all was open because his own brother had said that his brother was living quietly, even helping him move to another city some time ago.

Second, to be honest in American black history, before this tragedy happened, there had been even more mass murders. For some reason the shooting that the majority of victims were white Americans. In Las Vegas this is actually mentioned or exaggerated as "The Deadliest Incident" (the worst event) in American history.

It turns out that after being studied more closely and clearly there is also dishonesty. We take it for example what is known in American history with "The Bombing of Black Wall Street" or events of chaos and violence in Tulsa Oklahoma, aimed at black Americans. They were attacked and even bombed because they were able to succeed and build their economy.

The incident took place in the form of white Americans using dynamite and aircraft flying bombs the city and killing more than 250 blacks peoples, including those homeless.

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American History with "The Bombing of Black Wall Street
The Tulsa race riot, of 1921, occurred between May 31 and June 1, 1921, when a white mob started attacking residents and businesses of the African-American community of Greenwood in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in what is considered one of the worst incidents of racial violence in the history of the United States.The attack, carried out on the ground and by air, destroyed more than 35 blocks of the district, at the time the wealthiest black community in the nation. More than 800 people were admitted to hospitals and more than 6,000 black residents were arrested and detained, many for several days.The Oklahoma Bureau of Vital Statistics officially recorded 39 dead, but the American Red Cross estimated 300, a number supported by historians since then.

From this reality it appears before our eyes how an event can be engineered and reversed from the real reality. Of course not to mention the killing or slaughter of innocent human beings in different parts of The World.
So in the press release, I say that human life without exception is sacred and respected (sacred and respected). There is no difference between white or black, African or European, Middle Eastern or Asian. There is also no difference between Muslims and non-Muslims. Man is the ultimate creation of Allah SWT. And therefore has the same blood of holiness.

Whatever it should be this Las Vegas tragedy becomes a great lesson for America. The lesson to re-think that the country's big name is not a guarantee to always "feel right and great". The country is back to introspection and realizes that many things need to be changed, improved.
Perhaps in the language of religion need to do "taubat nashuha".

With all the greatness of America as a super power, both economically and militarily, America also can not be separated from the shortcomings that sometimes realize or do not treat the community. Economic inequality is one of the most dangerous deficiencies in America. The wealth of this country is in the hands of 2 percent of the population.

But to be honest of the many things that Americans need to be aware of through introspection it is important to change the behavior or precisely American policy to other countries. It may be time for this country to stop exploiting beautiful concepts such as democracy, freedom, to human rights to ravage other nations. America has a long history in this regard. From Latin America, to Africa, Asia, to the Middle East. Iraq is one of them. From rich and prosperous country to a country chaotic and poor because of what America does in that country.

But perhaps the most important thing for America today to be seen again (introspection) is the direction of the nation's development. That economic and material development in general without accompanied by the strengthening of the joints of spirituality will bring inequity, even depravity in life.

Not only that man will lose the natural course of life. Pay attention to sexual inclinations for example. Not only is the freedom of sex that is getting more and more shameless. But also increasingly knows no boundaries whatsoever including the limits of morality and naturality. Then there is the concept of family that comes out of the boundaries of naturality (natural).

Therefore Las Vegas tragedy really should open the eyes for the United Nations. This tragedy has been slapped to remind all the mistakes and dishonesty all along. From the engineering definition of terror, to the neglected values of spirituality in life. If not, I am afraid that America will not fall because of other people's intervention. But fell because of failure in doing collective repentance. Hopefully!

New York, 9 Oktober 2017
Author by Imam Shamsi Ali * President of The Nusantara Foundation.

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