Khilafah Islamiyah Conquering Rome # Conquest Futuh Rum[2]

"In the past, it was almost a disaster happen, but God saved us with The Mighty Eagle kill it."
"Who is The Mighty Eagle, the Holy Father ?

<img src="Futuh Rum.jpg" alt=" Khilafah Islamiyah Conquering Rome # Conquest Futuh Rum[2] ">
                                                             ( POTRET: Pope Benedict XIII )

Khilafah Islamiyah Conquering Rome # Conquest Futuh Rum[2]

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

This article is continued from the previous thread titled ;

"Five years ago we've lost," the voice of Pope Benedict XIII hoarse and weak.
She walked along with an accomplice, Bishop Ferdinand, in St. Peter, alone. There was no escort, no parade, vatican city so quiet that night,
the sky was covered with clouds. Pope robe simple on the inside is coated sweaters. Bishop Ferdinand wear clothing that is not much different.

"The Muslims have successfully established their Khilafah state, you know what that means?"

"I pleaded with the instructions of the Holy Father," said Bishop Ferdinand with a bow."Holy throne might be lost," the Pope moves his hands, chest and forehead, the sign of the cross.

"How bad is that what will happen, the Holy Father ??" Bishop Ferdinand at the face of the Pope were glazed and grim.

"In the past, it was almost a disaster happened, but God saved us to take the lives of the mighty eagle."

"Who is the mighty eagle, the Holy Father ??"

"He Sultan Mehmed AlFatih , from Turkey," the Pope Bishop Ferdinand's hand trembling, she coughed. "And the Khilafah is the parent eagle, which will spawn thousands of eagles that are not less formidable as Sultan Mehmed Al Fatih . Perhaps soon, the sultan would stand before us, then conquered the city, such as the promise of their Prophet."                                                  

The man's face down in front of a large crucifix, which there Jesus Christ dying, which he believed, to atone for the sins of mankind. Holy altar was lit tall candles. The light was dim fluorescent illuminate all sides. The man then touched his hand to his forehead, then his chest, forming a cross. He was overweight, balding, a neat black suit indicates that he was important. And indeed he is really an important person, he is the President of Italy, Silvio Berlusconi.

Strange anxiety creeping in the heart of Berlusconi. He looked up at the face of Jesus Christ statue was covered in blood. His heart is expecting answers to the worries. Sigh of disappointment released his nostrils, he found an answer yet. He prayed to the god with a vengeance in the holy city of the Vatican, where
her resting place of the martyrs and heroes.
The place where prayers are answered. Suddenly she gasped, there was someone who was present at his side.

"Holy Father," said Berlusconi was somewhat surprised.

It turns out that attendance was Pope Benedict XIII. Papal crown perched on her head gracefully. Handheld wand at him, as if heavy. Cloak greatness really greatness, until dragging on the floor. His body was frail once, walking was difficult. He is always accompanied by bishop Ferdinand.

The altar was deserted as well as the Vatican, Berlusconi is visiting the Vatican at times unusual.

"You're praying, President?" Asked the Pope.

Berlusconi nodded.

"You rarely come here, but today you come, there may be a problem that you solved yet ??"Berlusconi frown, he realized the words of the Pope is a satire for him. When there is a big problem he had given the gods. He nodded, but did not say anything. Apparently anxiety has mastered his heart.

"Can I help you?" The Pope bowed to the statue of Jesus Christ.

Berlusconi smiled slightly, "Just looking for a little peace."

"You come to the right place. But in addition to god, you can also submit your problem to me, because I think the problem you must be a tough problem. That's why I see you here now. "

Berlusconi tersindir again, she was getting embarrassed. "Indeed there is a problem, Father, but this problem has not occurred. Maybe it's just my fear of it. "

"The problem is it?"

"Maybe you think about it, too, Father, about the Caliphate."

Pope forced a smile on her face, a smile that weight. He also felt the fear in the hearts of the Italian President. "What's wrong with the Caliphate?"

"Do not pretend you do not know, Father. Khilafah is a great shock to us all. I really did not expect, but the intelligence services formerly been
assigned by to destroy every movement of the people of Islam that aims to uphold the Khilafah, many people are killed in order to stop all that, but apparently everything has already run and ended the Caliphate was too upright. If he was erect, hard to destroy it again. I know who they are, Father, they will not be silent. They will definitely come here, trampling this room, whenever that is. And on their way here, they would destroy Italy. "Finally hearts content Berlusconi spilled already on Pope Benedict.

"I know," said the Pope. "Maybe my concerns about it more deeply than you. I know, after the Caliphate upright, the days of sorrow will come too. But I will still be here, no matter what happens. Although perhaps this city would fall into their hands. I will always pray, if indeed God wanted the city fell into their hands, probably for the best. "

"No, Father," Berlusconi shook his head slowly. "We should not give up so easily. If they did come here, we have to fight it. Would I muster all our strength. I would call on all Christians in this world in order to join the fight against them. If it was a holy war as it used to be flared, then will I waged him. "

Pope Benedict lifted a withered hand, he patted his shoulder Berlusconi who towered above him. "I bless you, and God also bless the servants who defend it at all costs. Do everything possible to halt the Caliphate. "
Berlusconi nodded firmly.

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Golden rays of the sun shade mainland Thrace, in the city of Istanbul.
A few years ago when the Caliphate was not right, it belongs to the territory of the Republic of Turkey. When the Caliphate upright, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan refused to obey the Caliph and refused to incorporate the region into the shade of the Khilafah Islamiyah.

In Istanbul, over the past two years has built a military base called Khilafah Islamiyah al Fatih Mehmed Military Base. A total of thirty thousand soldiers of the army of the Khilafah Islamiyah complex occupies a vast military base. Hundreds of tanks lined up there, not to mention various other war equipment. Not far from there stretches airport Air Force Khilafah Islamiyah. Warplanes were lined up lengthwise. All vehicles of war and combat equipment was made in the country, by industrial plant armaments named Darul Harb.

That morning, the soldiers were lined up neatly in a rally. Camouflage uniforms have been installed in the body of the soldier, with green beret. Shouldered automatic rifles on their shoulders, and they are still as a statue. In front of the line they have a flagpole. A military flag flutters great Caliphate. The flag was black, with white lettering confession. On the side of the flagpole there is a stage, there are two people standing on the stage. They are the Caliph Muhammad Hasanuddin as Commander in Chief of the armed forces of the Caliphate, and General Sayf Ali Khan as the High Commander of the armed forces of the Islamic Khilafah.

The commander parade, stands alone right in front of the stage was then squealing.

With all the soldiers of Khilafah in unison with the Takbir is lifted up in a vertical position and bear arms. After the sudden silence echoed the interpretation come back.

Khalifah took a step forward, approaching the microphone in front of him. General Sayf Ali Khan loyal to them. As usual, the Caliph was only wearing a simple black suit and sehalai turban wrapped around his head. He always dressed like that because it just black suit that he had. His life was very simple with just a compensation of the Caliphate. His sharp eyes swept across the line soldiers of the Caliphate, his brain did not stop working. After praising Allah and the Prophet bersolawat. lord of nature, he began his speech.

Yaaa ... Ayyuhal Juyuuusy ... Stick to prepare yourself, because jihad could happen tomorrow when the sun is not yet high. You never know, where you will depart for jihad. However, wherever you go, that's where the love of God and heaven. Continue to prepare yourself, keep alert, because it may not be long before I will go down fighting with you ... "

Caliph no longer speak, he immediately end the conversation. When he would come down from the stage, he approached General Ali Khan and whispers."Prepare continue teams. Istanbul will be one point of attack to Rome. ""The command executed." Gen. Ali Khan stood up and glared at the Caliph.



Military base in the center of the Caliphate of Hejaz just started its activities on a sunny morning.
General Sayf Ali Khan wearing the green uniform with the rank of four-star beams perch of authority on both shoulders. He stepped on the main corridor of the Headquarters of the Armed Forces of the Caliphate, to his office.
Shoes pantovelnya beat fast on the cold floor, indicating that he was in a hurry, because it is being awaited.

General Ali Khan turned a corner, heading for the closed end of the room there is a double door hanging its name. He approached the door and opened it. Inside, the five men were present waiting for him. When he saw the military leaders had signed, five men stood up and saluted with a stiff military force. Gen. Ali Khan nodded with a slight smile, then let them sit in the living room sofa. It also took place on the couch.

High-ranking office of the Caliphate was quite spacious. But the room was just divided into two parts, the living room at the front, and a work space right next to the living room.

"The presence of brothers in accordance with the schedule," said Ali Khan, he glared at his guests. "I hope intelligence operations Rum Futuh was successful."

Four out of five people living Gen. Ali Khan wearing a T-shirt and baggy jeans only. Only a man who wore a formal suit and black trousers, white shirt and a tie, quite elegant. The pristine it is Intelligence Agency Caliphate, Izzatuddin Malik. The remaining four were intelligence agents of the Caliphate.

"Our presence here to
for information that the operation has been successfully implemented Futuh Rum with a very bright," said Malik Izzatuddin. It distributes its views to all four of his men. "The whole team leaders by bringing accidentally here to report directly to you, General."

Each team leader intelligence produces a flat container that contains the DVD disc from the pockets of their pants. Then they put the pieces of the DVD on the table in front of Ali Khan.

"Operation Futuh Rum by Team Umar did well," said one of the four team commander, who wore T-shirts reading "Caliphate". It is commonly known as Agent 1. "We have managed to infiltrate the British military base, and initiation can be done anytime. God willing, if England interfere in Futuh Rum, they will never be able to move again. The whole course of the operation to England Futuh Rum contained in this DVD. "

"With God's help any team Khalid managed to carry out the mission," said the second. It sits right next to the Agent 1. He wore a plain white T-shirt and jeans. He Agent 2. "God willing, Russia will not be able to move again."

"Good! Thank God, "said Ali Khan. He turned to the third person, he is an agent 3."Technology is an initiator of our new breakthrough, and has paralyzed all enemy detectors. Tim Ali successfully carry out the mission. France's position has been secured. ""Very good! Next. "

Last Agent, Agent 4, grinning. "My report is not much different with friends. Germany has been paralyzed without them knowing it. "

"It's amazing! I have to say congratulations to the team intelligence, "with sharp eyes staring Ali Khan all his men. "Will I emphasized once again that the position of intelligence in Futuh Rum is very important. Stay like this, then perform your duties impeccably. The success of the mission sisters will determine the success Futuh Rum. Intelligence Team of the Caliphate is the best intelligence team, for successfully creating bisyarah Messenger, "Futuh Rum".


Caliph Muhammad Hasanuddin upright head.
It offers a friendly smile thin and looked straight to Herman van Rompuy, President of the European Council. Beautiful morning in Brussels, Belgium, will be a historic morning. In front of dozens of camera flashes of the flash lamp they exchanged smiles and handshakes. Press conference room in the building of the European Union has been decorated in such a way for the signing of the peace agreement and bilateral relations for 10 years. For the first time, a Muslim can stand upright and so respected in the heart of the EU community, he is the leader of all the Muslims, Muhammad Hasanuddin.

Two people who respected it had been sitting behind the desk. They face a number of sheets of paper that have been neatly arranged in a beautiful map. The papers that they have signed.

Khalifah took the pen that was available, he signed a piece of paper with a calm first. Why it can be calm about it because the draft agreement prepared by the Caliphate and the EU accepted almost without reserve. When he was about to sign a second sheet, he glanced at Van Rompuy.

The old man's head was almost bald all it looks doubtful. The first sheet is not yet finished it signed. His hands were a little shaky. She looked at the writings on the paper with bleary. Despite all points of the agreement is beneficial to both parties, it is still concerned with things that are not known.

"Is there any problem, Mr. President? "Caliph looked at Van Rompuy plan. Caliph of the Muslims was adept at using seven languages: English, Arabic, French, German, Hebrew, Greek, and Dutch.

"No ... No ... This is a good agreement," said Van Rompuy with a little stutter.

"I believe it gives benefits to us all, 'said the Caliph with a smile. "But, why do you look so hard to sign it?"
Van Rompuy smiled bitterly, he turned to the Caliph and threw a ridiculous question. "What exactly do you want behind this, Caliph?"

Khalifah, Van Rompuy in the eyes and smile again. "I want glorious victory, for Islam and Muslims."

"I know ..." Van Rompuy whose signatures on sheets of paper. The deal was agreed.

To be continued...

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